NTFS offers a devious mechanism known as Alternate Data Streams (ADS) useful primarily for obfuscating data. The operating system may use it for stashing thumbnails of images (see below), storing Summary property data for non-Office file types, or simply flagging files that were downloaded from the Internet (so that it may forever pester you about do you really want to open that?).
As little known as ADS themselves are, even less well-known is that ClassicVB can pretty much manipulate ADS at will using dirt-standard file i/o functions. Every file has a primary unnamed data stream, and each alternate data stream has a name by which it is referenced. This is done by separating the filename and the stream name with a colon. Here's an example of how easy it is to read and write ADS in Classic VB:
Public Sub Main() Call WriteFile("C:\test.txt", "This is a normal data stream.") If WriteFile("C:\test.txt:MyADS", "This is an ADS.") Then Debug.Print ReadFile("C:\test.txt:MyADS") End If End Sub Public Function ReadFile(ByVal FileName As String) As String Dim hFile As Long On Error GoTo Hell hFile = FreeFile Open FileName For Binary As #hFile ReadFile = Space$(LOF(hFile)) Get #hFile, , ReadFile Close #hFile Hell: End Function Public Function WriteFile(ByVal FileName As String, _ ByVal Text As String) As Boolean Dim hFile As Long On Error GoTo Hell hFile = FreeFile Open FileName For Output As #hFile Print #hFile, Text; Close #hFile Hell: WriteFile = Not CBool(Err.Number) End FunctionThis sample provides a drop-in ready class you can use to enumerate ADS within any file or folder on an NTFS disk. Yes, folders can have ADS as well, though they never have the unnamed primary data stream. To use the CStreams class, you simply declare an instance of it, and hand it a filename to work with. Here's an example taken from the little demo app I put together to show off the features of the CStreams class:
Dim lvItem As ListItem Dim i As Long ' Look for ADS content in this file. ads.FileName = FileSpec If ads.Count > 1 Then For i = 0 To ads.Count - 1 Set lvItem = lvFiles.ListItems.Add(, , ads.FileName) lvItem.SubItems(1) = ads.PrettyName(i) lvItem.SubItems(2) = dda.FormatBytes(ads.StreamSize(i)) Next i End IfThe code above is passed each filename in an enumeration, and if that particular file contains streams other than the primary named stream they are each added to a listview for display:
Here we see that Windows has tagged each image file with two ADS, including one that uses Chr$(5) as it's lead character so I had to switch to an OEM stock font to view the name properly. (To switch fonts using the demo, just right-click on the listview.)
The CStreams class is very simple, and offers only a few properties and methods. Since a given file or folder may contain any number of ADS, the class offers information about any particular ADS by index (0 to Count-1). Here's a summary of the CStreams interface:
Count Property Returns the number of ADS within a file or folder. (read-only) FileName Property Sets or returns the name of the file or folder being enumerated for ADS. FullPathName Method Wrapper around the GetFullPathName API, used to disambiguate relative pathspecs. KillStream Method Deletes an ADS from any file or folder, by Index. Refresh Method Updates all cached ADS info for given file or folder. Called automatically when FileName property is assigned. PrettyName Property Returns the "cleaned-up" name of a given ADS by stripping off the leading colon and the trailing (superfluous) ":$DATA" tail, by Index. (read-only) StreamIndex Property Returns the Index for an ADS of any given name. Useful for testing whether a known stream name exists in a file or folder. (read-only) StreamName Property Returns the name of any ADS in a file or folder, by Index. (read-only) StreamSize Property Returns the size (in bytes) of any ADS in a file or folder, by Index. (read-only) StreamSupport Method Returns boolean that indicates whether ADS support is available for a given FileName. Bonus Material
This sample comes with lots of little extras, including a highly optimized recursive file search class (CDirDrillAPI) and a module that offers easy folder browsing (MFolderBrowse). Both of those are also directly usable in VBA as well as either VB5 or VB6.
This sample, or the one from which it originally derived, was published (or at least peripherally mentioned) in the following article(s):
- Inside Alternative Data Streams, Classic VB Corner, VSM Online, November 2009
This sample uses the following API calls:
Module Library Function CDirDrillAPI.cls kernel32
PathStripPathWCStreams.cls advapi32
NtQueryInformationFileMFolderBrowse.bas kernel32
SendMessageMStockFont.bas gdi32
SendMessageDon't see what you're looking for? Here's a complete API cross-reference.
Please, enjoy and learn from this sample. Include its code within your own projects, if you wish. But, in order to insure only the most recent code is available to all, I ask that you don't share the sample by any form of mass distribution. Download Streams.zip, 42Kb, Last Updated: Tuesday, November 3, 2009
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