Public Function NetTimeToVbTime(ByVal NetDate As Long) As Double Const BaseDate# = 25569 'DateSerial(1970, 1, 1) Const SecsPerDay# = 86400 NetTimeToVbTime = BaseDate + (CDbl(NetDate) / SecsPerDay) End FunctionOr this:
Public Function NetTimeToVbTime(ByVal NetDate As Long) As Double Const BaseDate# = 25569 'DateSerial(1970, 1, 1) Const SecsPerDay# = 86400 NetTimeToVbTime = BaseDate + (CDbl(NetDate) / SecsPerDay) End FunctionI've decided to make the tool I use to mark-up code for this site available for all my visitors. If you have ever wanted to publish or even print your code in color, ClassicVB simply doesn't help you at all. I wrote this tool primarily to use while building this site. But I've ended up extending it in ways that go way beyond what I originally envisioned. The online offering is really just a demo of what's possible. See below for your opportunity to take home the full-meal deal.
Paste or enter your own source code below, responsd to the Captcha challenge (to discourage robot submissions, I'm sad to say), and press the Parse This! button to see how it works.
If you'd like a copy of the standalone, that can probably be arranged. Just make a PayPal donation for whatever you feel it may be worth, and drop me some feedback. Here's what it looks like:
Features offered in the standalone, not available in online demo:
- Choice of <span> or <font> tags, allowing site-wide style updates via CSS
- Clipboard hooking to catch all Copy operations from designated applications (vb6.exe, vb5.exe, ...)
- Instant markup as source is edited in native TextBox
- Recognizes most dialects of VBish code - VB, VBA, VBScript
- Keyword list is INI-based for easy editting
- Markup displayed in embedded browser window
- Drag-and-drop support from Windows Explorer
- Virtually no size limit on source files
- Speed! Flexibility! Multiple Windows!