Would you like to put a hyperlink to your own web page right on the About box for your app? It's really much simpler than most folks might guess. One call to ShellExecute, passing the desired URL, fires up the default browser and jumps to the requested page. Below is an example that turns a Label control named lblLink into a hyperlink. One click on it by the user and they're whisked off to your (well, actually my ;-) page on the internet. Of course, this technique isn't limited to Label controls. You could call the HyperJump routine from the Click event of any control, or anywhere else in your code that it makes sense.
Option Explicit Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation _ As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, _ ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long Private Sub Form_Load() With lblLink .AutoSize = True .Caption = "http://vb.mvps.org/" .ForeColor = vbBlue .Font.Underline = True End With End Sub Private Sub lblLink_Click() Call HyperJump(lblLink.Caption) End Sub Private Sub HyperJump(ByVal URL As String) Call ShellExecute(0&, vbNullString, URL, vbNullString, _ vbNullString, vbNormalFocus) End SubShellExecute is amazingly flexible. For example, would you like to print a document using the application it's associated with?
Public Function PrintDoc(ByVal DocFile As String) As Long ' Uses the "print" verb as defined in the registry PrintDoc = ShellExecute(0&, "print", DocFile, vbNullString, vbNullString, vbNormalFocus) End FunctionThis sample project also shows how simple it is to make a Label control look and act like a standard hyperlink, and includes a handy-dandy pointing finger icon that you can set into the control's MouseIcon property to give it that full effect seen in popular browsers.
Another useful option offered is the ability to always open a document in a new window, rather than the last window used. This is accomplished by calling ShellExecute and passing the actual executable filename of the workstation's default web browser. Which means I also provide code to extract that from the registry.
And, finally, to accomplish some of this more easily, a native VB5 version of the InStrRev was needed.
' ********************************************************** ' This function should be commented out if running in VB6! Private Function InStrRev(ByVal StringCheck As String, _ ByVal StringMatch As String, _ Optional Start As Long = -1, _ Optional Compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare) _ As Long Dim nPos As Long ' Start from end if negative. If Start < 0 Then Start = Len(StringCheck) End If ' Truncate StringCheck to maximum possible position. If Start < Len(StringCheck) Then StringCheck = Left$(StringCheck, Start) End If ' Find last occurance of StringMatch. nPos = InStr(1, StringCheck, StringMatch, Compare) Do While nPos InStrRev = nPos nPos = InStr(nPos + 1, StringCheck, StringMatch, Compare) Loop End Function ' **********************************************************Lots of bonus material with this one!
This sample hasn't been published anywhere except here on this website, but first rights to such publication are jealously guarded - you have been warned. <g>
This sample uses the following API calls:
Module Library Function MHyperJump.bas advapi32
ShellExecuteDon't see what you're looking for? Here's a complete API cross-reference.
Please, enjoy and learn from this sample. Include its code within your own projects, if you wish. But, in order to insure only the most recent code is available to all, I ask that you don't share the sample by any form of mass distribution. Download HyperJmp.zip, 9Kb, Last Updated: Tuesday, August 3, 2004
The following resources may also be of interest:
- HyperLabel - UserControl that provides hyperlink capabilities to either text or images; highlights based on when mouse enters and leaves.