Joe Hacker Bruce McKinney Swinish Joe Hacker

Author photoBruce McKinney was a factory assembly worker, a logger, a newspaper reporter, a PR flunkie, and an unpublished fiction writer before he discovered computers and lost all interest in the real world. During his years at Microsoft, he wrote programming manuals and online help for assembler, Basic, and C. Bruce also served for a time as czar of sample programs, writing or revising many of the samples known to longtime Microsoft language customers. He was a software developer on Microsoft C 7 and FORTRAN Power Station 1. He left Microsoft in 1997 and is now trying to decide what to do when he grows up.

Bruce holds a journalism degree from the University of Washington and a computer science degree from the University of Hard Knocks.

You can reach him at, but don't bother to send VB questions. That's all behind him. He's still ready to argue VB versus VB.NET in a philosophical sense, but he doesn't remember anything about programming.

So what happened to Bruce McKinney after he abandoned Microsoft and VB? Did he move on to new books about other computer languages? Well, not exactly. In fact, he doesn't do programming at all. He still writes, but not what you think.

Check out his new web sites to see what he's doing in several fields:


Green Community Entrepreneur

Vacation Rental Host

Photo by Kathleen Atkins, Copyright 1997.

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