VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True END Attribute VB_Name = "CShellLink" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = False ' ************************************************************************* ' Copyright ©2004-07 Karl E. Peterson ' All Rights Reserved, ' ************************************************************************* ' You are free to use this code within your own applications, but you ' are expressly forbidden from selling or otherwise distributing this ' source code, non-compiled, without prior written consent. ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' This wrapper class is considered UNSUPPORTED by its author. If you ' find it useful, that's great! Enjoy... ' ************************************************************************* ' This class requires a reference to the ShellLnk.tlb file that ships on ' the VB5 CD (in the \Tools\Unsupprt\Shelllnk folder), or may be obtained ' here: ' ************************************************************************* Option Explicit ' Win32 API declarations Private Declare Function ExpandEnvironmentStrings Lib "kernel32" Alias "ExpandEnvironmentStringsA" (ByVal lpSrc As String, ByVal lpDst As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long ' API Constants Private Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260 Private Const SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1 Private Const SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = 3 Private Const SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE = 7 ' Public enumerations Public Enum lnkWindowStates lnkNormal = SW_SHOWNORMAL lnkMaximized = SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED lnkMinimized = SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE End Enum ' Member variables Private m_ShellLink As ShellLinkA ' An explorer IShellLinkA(Win 95/Win NT) instance Private m_PersistFile As IPersistFile ' An explorer IPersistFile instance Private m_FileName As String ' Filename Private m_AutoQuote As Boolean ' Automatically add quotes around targets that contain spaces? Private m_Overwrite As Boolean ' Determines whether create overwrites existing files Private m_Dirty As Boolean ' Flag indicating object needs to be saved ' Property defaults Private Const defOverwrite As Boolean = False Private Const defAutoQuote As Boolean = True ' ************************************************* ' Initialization / Termination ' ************************************************* Private Sub Class_Initialize() ' Set property defaults. m_Overwrite = defOverwrite m_AutoQuote = defAutoQuote ' Create new IShellLink interface Set m_ShellLink = New ShellLinkA ' Implement ShellLinkA's IPersistFile interface Set m_PersistFile = m_ShellLink End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() ' Clean up. Set m_PersistFile = Nothing Set m_ShellLink = Nothing End Sub ' ************************************************* ' Public Properties (read-write) ' ************************************************* Public Property Get Arguments() As String Dim Buffer As String With m_ShellLink Buffer = Space$(MAX_PATH) Call .GetArguments(Buffer, Len(Buffer)) Arguments = TrimNull(Buffer) End With End Property Public Property Let Arguments(ByVal Args As String) With m_ShellLink If Args <> Me.Arguments Then .SetArguments Args m_Dirty = True End If End With End Property Public Property Get AutoQuote() As Boolean AutoQuote = m_AutoQuote End Property Public Property Let AutoQuote(ByVal NewVal As Boolean) m_AutoQuote = NewVal End Property Public Property Get Description() As String Dim Buffer As String With m_ShellLink Buffer = Space$(MAX_PATH) Call .GetDescription(Buffer, Len(Buffer)) Description = TrimNull(Buffer) End With End Property Public Property Let Description(ByVal Desc As String) With m_ShellLink If Desc <> Me.Description Then .SetDescription Desc m_Dirty = True End If End With End Property Public Property Get Hotkey() As Long ' *** pwHotkey *** ' Address of the hot key. The virtual key code is in the ' low-order byte, and the modifier flags are in the ' high-order byte. The modifier flags can be a combination ' of the following values: ' HOTKEYF_ALT ALT key ' HOTKEYF_CONTROL CTRL key ' HOTKEYF_EXT Extended key ' HOTKEYF_SHIFT SHIFT key With m_ShellLink Call .GetHotkey(Hotkey) End With End Property Public Property Let Hotkey(ByVal NewKey As Long) With m_ShellLink If NewKey <> Me.Hotkey Then .SetHotkey NewKey m_Dirty = True End If End With End Property Public Property Get IconLocation(Optional Index As Long = 0) As String Dim Buffer As String ' Index can't be ByVal, because it's modified by ' GetIconLocation call, and returned to caller. With m_ShellLink ' Request file information from ShellLink object Buffer = Space$(MAX_PATH) Call .GetIconLocation(Buffer, Len(Buffer), Index) ' Expand any evars and trim nulls from buffer. Call ExpandEnvironmentStrings(Buffer, Buffer, Len(Buffer)) IconLocation = TrimNull(Buffer) End With End Property Public Property Let IconLocation(Optional Index As Long = 0, ByVal IconFile As String) ' This file must exist, or we'll error out down the line. With m_ShellLink If IsFile(IconFile) Then .SetIconLocation IconFile, Index m_Dirty = True End If End With End Property Public Property Get Overwrite() As Boolean Overwrite = m_Overwrite End Property Public Property Let Overwrite(ByVal NewVal As Boolean) m_Overwrite = NewVal End Property Public Property Get Target() As String Dim wfd As WIN32_FIND_DATA Dim Buffer As String Const SLGP_RAWPATH As Long = 4 With m_ShellLink ' Request file information from ShellLink object Buffer = Space$(MAX_PATH) Call .GetPath(Buffer, Len(Buffer), wfd, SLGP_RAWPATH) ' Expand any evars and trim nulls from buffer. Call ExpandEnvironmentStrings(Buffer, Buffer, Len(Buffer)) ' Remove quotes if wanted. If m_AutoQuote Then Target = QuotesRemove(TrimNull(Buffer)) Else Target = TrimNull(Buffer) End If End With End Property Public Property Let Target(ByVal TargetFile As String) ' This file must exist, or we'll error out down the line. If IsFile(TargetFile) Then ' Add quotes if wanted. If m_AutoQuote Then TargetFile = QuotesAdd(TargetFile) End If If Me.Target <> TargetFile Then m_ShellLink.SetPath TargetFile m_Dirty = True End If End If End Property Public Property Get WindowState() As FormWindowStateConstants Dim nRet As Long ' Make request m_ShellLink.GetShowCmd nRet ' Translate API constants to ' values VB will understand. Select Case nRet Case SW_SHOWNORMAL: WindowState = vbNormal Case SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED: WindowState = vbMaximized Case SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE: WindowState = vbMinimized End Select End Property Public Property Let WindowState(ByVal ShowCmd As FormWindowStateConstants) Dim NewShowCmd As Long ' Translate intrinsic VB constants to ' values the API will understand. Select Case ShowCmd Case vbNormal: NewShowCmd = SW_SHOWNORMAL Case vbMaximized: NewShowCmd = SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED Case vbMinimized: NewShowCmd = SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE End Select ' Make request With m_ShellLink If ShowCmd <> Me.WindowState Then .SetShowCmd NewShowCmd m_Dirty = True End If End With End Property Public Property Get WorkingDirectory() As String Dim Buffer As String With m_ShellLink Buffer = Space$(MAX_PATH) Call .GetWorkingDirectory(Buffer, Len(Buffer)) WorkingDirectory = TrimNull(Buffer) End With End Property Public Property Let WorkingDirectory(ByVal WorkDir As String) With m_ShellLink If IsDirectory(WorkDir) Then If WorkDir <> Me.WorkingDirectory Then .SetWorkingDirectory WorkDir m_Dirty = True End If End If End With End Property ' ************************************************* ' Public Properties (read-only) ' ************************************************* Public Property Get Dirty() As Boolean Dirty = m_Dirty End Property Public Property Get Exists(Optional FileSpec As String) As Boolean ' Default to LNK file, but accept any spec. If FileSpec = "" Then FileSpec = m_FileName Exists = IsFile(FileSpec) End Property Public Property Get FileName() As String FileName = m_FileName End Property ' ************************************************* ' Public Methods ' ************************************************* Public Function Clone(ByVal NewLinkFile As String) As Boolean ' Create a new copy, and keep it current. Clone = PersistObject(NewLinkFile, True) End Function Public Function Create(ByVal TargetFile As String, ByVal LinkFile As String) As Boolean ' Start with a fresh object. Call RecreateObject ' Special cases if link file already exists. If IsFile(LinkFile) = True Then If m_Overwrite = True Then ' Attempt to blow away old file. On Error Resume Next Kill LinkFile If Err.Number Then Exit Function On Error GoTo 0 Else ' Load it instead. Create = Me.Load(LinkFile) Exit Function End If End If ' Attempt to create file object m_ShellLink.SetPath TargetFile Create = PersistObject(LinkFile, True) End Function Public Function QuotesAdd(ByVal TargetFile As String) If Len(TargetFile) > 0 Then TargetFile = Trim$(TargetFile) ' Only proceed if we have embedded space(s) If InStr(TargetFile, " ") Then If Left$(TargetFile, 1) <> """" Then TargetFile = """" & TargetFile End If If Right$(TargetFile, 1) <> """" Then TargetFile = TargetFile & """" End If End If End If QuotesAdd = TargetFile End Function Public Function QuotesRemove(ByVal TargetFile As String) TargetFile = Trim$(TargetFile) If Len(TargetFile) > 2 Then If Left$(TargetFile, 1) = """" Then If Right$(TargetFile, 1) = """" Then TargetFile = Mid$(TargetFile, 2, Len(TargetFile) - 2) End If End If End If QuotesRemove = TargetFile End Function Public Function Load(ByVal LinkFile As String) As Boolean Const STGM_DIRECT As Long = 0& ' Start with a fresh object. Call RecreateObject ' Make sure we have an accessible file. If IsFile(LinkFile) Then ' Load Shortcut file...(must do this UNICODE hack!) m_PersistFile.Load StrConv(LinkFile, vbUnicode), STGM_DIRECT ' Return success code? If IsFile(LinkFile) Then m_FileName = LinkFile Load = True End If End If End Function Public Function Save() As Boolean ' Delegate! Save = PersistObject(m_FileName, True) End Function Public Function SaveAs(ByVal NewLinkFile As String) As Boolean ' Create a new copy on the file system, but ' keep working with current object/file. SaveAs = PersistObject(NewLinkFile, False) End Function ' *********************************************** ' Private Methods ' *********************************************** Private Function IsFile(ByVal SpecIn As String) As Boolean Dim attr As Long ' Guard against bad SpecIn by ignoring errors. On Error Resume Next ' Get attribute of SpecIn. attr = GetAttr(SpecIn) If Err = 0 Then ' No error, so something was found. ' If Directory attribute set, then not a file. If (attr And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then IsFile = False Else IsFile = True End If End If End Function Private Function IsDirectory(ByVal SpecIn As String) As Boolean Dim attr As Long ' Guard against bad SpecIn by ignoring errors. On Error Resume Next ' Get attribute of SpecIn. attr = GetAttr(SpecIn) If Err = 0 Then ' No error, so something was found. ' If Directory attribute set, then not a file. If (attr And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then IsDirectory = True Else IsDirectory = False End If End If End Function Private Function PersistObject(ByVal LnkFile As String, ByVal Remember As Boolean) As Boolean ' TargetFile must exist, or we'll ' error out when Resolve is called. If Not IsFile(Me.Target) Then Exit Function End If ' Attempt to create as requested, making sure ' to do the stupid Unicode hack with filename. 'On Error Resume Next m_ShellLink.Resolve 0&, SLR_UPDATE m_PersistFile.Save StrConv(LnkFile, vbUnicode), Remember ' Check if file exists. If IsFile(LnkFile) Then ' Only persist this filename if it's also ' remains as the current object, and not ' as a clone. If Remember Then m_FileName = LnkFile m_Dirty = False End If ' Return success code. PersistObject = True End If End Function Private Sub RecreateObject() ' Destory and recreate new instances of ' ShellLinkA and IPersistFile interfaces. Set m_PersistFile = Nothing Set m_ShellLink = New ShellLinkA Set m_PersistFile = m_ShellLink ' Reset persisted properties. m_Dirty = False m_FileName = "" End Sub Private Function TrimNull(ByVal StrIn As String) As String Dim nul As Long ' Truncate input string at first null. ' If no nulls, perform ordinary Trim. nul = InStr(StrIn, vbNullChar) Select Case nul Case Is > 1 TrimNull = Left(StrIn, nul - 1) Case 1 TrimNull = "" Case 0 TrimNull = Trim(StrIn) End Select End Function